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Tryptone, 1 Gram Capsules, 1 Kilogram

Price$ 242.50
You Save$ 11.50
  • SKU: T60061-1000.0
  • Pack Size: 1 KG
Tryptone, 1 Gram Capsules, 1 Kilogram



Room Temperature

Each capsule contains 1g Tryptone. Convenient and easy to use - simply add required number of premeasured capsules according to formulation being prepared without weighing or measuring.

3.2 lbs

5.00 x 10.00 x 5.00

Research or further manufacturing use only, not for food or drug use.
  • Appearance: Capsules
  • Amino Nitrogen: ≥ 4.0 %
  • Ash: ≤ 15 %
  • Loss on Drying: ≤ 5.0 %
  • Nitrites: Negative
  • pH (2% water) @25°C: 6.5 - 7.5
  • Total Nitrogen: ≥ 10 %
  • Undigested Protein: Negative
  • Broth Formulations (Growth Supporting Properties): Satisfactory
  • Peptone Agar (Growth Supporting Properties): Satisfactory
  • Coliform: Negative
  • E.Coli: Negative
  • Salmonella: Negative/25g
  • Standard Plate Count: ≤ 1000 g
  • Molds and Yeasts: ≤ 100 cfu/g
  • Proteoses: Positive
  • Raw Material Species: Bovine
  • Enzyme Species: Porcine

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